The engineers discuss their multi-ton baby.Political scheming.The output: Single human-readable Hollerith cards.When evidence of tampering surfaced, accusations flew fast and thick.A sudden injury affects the theorist.The theorist's cat probably should not have been allowed in the testing chamber, no doubt violating protocol Alpha-Rodeo.The machine was terribly loud.more dramaLarry's incredible JUGGERNAUT machine prop. The lights pulsed ominously throughout play.Things got pretty heated.
Fun junk to add to the Machine during play.The Basement, before play.Early on, the Machine seemed to grant wishes.A picture with the siblings' home in it.The Machine, exploded by the end of the night.Some silver and white photographs. There were also blank pieces of paper that people could draw on.Character card were carried in badge holders for easy reading and swapping.
Character creation.Facilitators explain the safety rules for acting out violence.Ana pours out her secrets to the dead teacher.Debriefing.Everyone is drinking and freaking out!Marshall and Abby make out. (Players use Ars Amandi technique)Ana is a creepy eavesdropper.Pat is having a bad time.When the power went out and the body started moving around things got pretty freaky.Warm ups help players get used to touching and being touched.