Larp House Presents: A Crow Funeral (PBS edition)

two crows on marble steps

TPT Twin Cities PBS logo

This special run of the game is a exhibition game that will be filmed by Twin Cities PBS as part of a segment they are doing on Larp House. All participants must consent to being filmed and interviewed.

A fellow crow has died and we will gather to mourn their passing, but more importantly to understand why they died. Not in a metaphysical way, but in a practical way – what killed this creature and how can we ensure it won’t kill us as well? We are crows and this is the crow way.


A Crow Funeral, a live-action game about arguments, empathy, and corvids for 2 or more players

Designed by Tim Hutchings
Organized by Katherine Shane and Tom Fendt


1 October 2019, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm (including interviews)


A private residence in Richfield, Minnesota. Details will be provided to participants.


If you are interested in playing, please fill out our A Crow Funeral registration form ASAP.  We’ll let you know if you are in the larp as soon as we can.

We probably only need a few players for this. Continue reading “Larp House Presents: A Crow Funeral (PBS edition)”

Documentation for Be-Con 2019

Woman in surgical mask and black rubber gloves sits to back of another woman with a man facing camera in background

A weekend-long larp convention in the Chicago area

Rosemont, Illinois
13-15 September 2019

Glamourous Night
Designed by Jon Cole
Organized by Jon Cole and Cat Stuntebeck
16 players

Designed by Alex Roberts
Organized by Jon Cole
11 players

Intense love letter on hotel stationery
ephemera from Will That Be All?

Will That Be All?
Designed by Graham Walmsley
Organized by Larry Lade
8 players + facilitator

All Options
Designed and organized by Jon Cole
3 players

Slayer Cake
coming tomorrow!


Larp House Presents: Eye in the Sky

MQ-Q Reaper unmanned aircraft in flight over desert

A British-led intelligence operation close to the border of Pakistan is using an American drone for overwatch. Players are military, legal and political decision makers for either the British or American team. The optional 7th player is an unexpected observer from the Pakistan embassy. How will they all cope when the mission changes and their rules of engagement are no longer clear?

The premise

The larp is an exploration of the morality and effectiveness of using drones as a weapon of war. Different characters will have different ethical concerns about when and how to use drone weapons, and those will be tested as events unfold.

The leaders of a joint British-American intelligence operation are sitting in a room in a secure location in England, remotely directing the operation by issuing orders to British agents on the ground, local military units, or the American drone on overwatch.

Eye in the Sky will premiere at The Smoke 2020. This North American sneak preview is only at Larp House!

A larp for 6-7 players, 4 hours long (including debrief)
Designed by Malcolm Campbell
Organized by Malcolm Campbell, Josh Krehbiel, and Jon Cole

When & where

7 pm to 11 pm, Friday October 4th 2019
Hosted in private home near 78th and Dell Rd in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. (Exact address will be shared with ticket-holders.)

Plentiful free parking on site. We’ll be organizing a ride share to help get people out there.


Get a ticket by filling out the Eye in the Sky registration form. Unlike some of our other events, these free tickets are first-come first-served. Once you have a ticket you don’t need to do anything else besides show up to play! Continue reading “Larp House Presents: Eye in the Sky”

Documentation for Boundary Waters

two people in lifevests carrying a long tube

Documentation for Boundary Waters, a live-action game about shared journeys, burdens, and friendship

This run was played outdoors on a lovely day in a city park, with riparian forest and the Mississippi River standing in for the forests and lakes of northern Minnesota.

Designed by Katherine Shane
Organized by Tom Fendt

24 August 2019
St. Paul, Minnesota
Six players + a facilitator