Larp House Presents: Deep Love

Larp House Presents: DEEP LOVE

A freeform larp for 4 players

Written by Jason Morningstar, organized by Arnold Cassell and Jon Cole

WHEN:7:30 pm — 10:30 pm on this Saturday, June 3rd

Nonsuch Island, Bermuda 1934 –You’ve come to this paradise to drop a two and a half ton iron ball off the side of a shop and lower it almost a kilometer into the abyss.
You’ve come to crawl inside that iron ball and go down with it, to what there is to see down there.
You’ve come with three other brilliant adventurers, friends and lovers, and you’ll all get a chance to descend and risk your lives in exchange for seeing things no human being has ever seen.
And maybe. in the inky darkness and cold silence, you’ll find a measure of happiness and fulfillment.

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Larp House Presents: Walk Among the Dead

Seekers of the departed, welcome. We have come together
because each of us has one we have lost. We have formed this secret
grief support group, rejected the 5 stages, and now seek to reach beyond
the veil and contact those lost to us.

mask is our key to the shadowlands. We can give each other strength for
the way and solace when we return, but whoever goes must go alone. Going
in, we have only so much breath to pay the ghosts for answers. Each of
us searches for resolution, we may be fortunate to find it, escape with
only our life, or become lost ourselves.

WHAT:A freeform larp for 5-6 players

Written by Johannes Oppermann

Organized by Jon Cole

WHEN:7:00 pm — 11:00 pm on Saturday, January 14th

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Larp House Presents: Contrapposto

Players take on the roles of a team of amateur thieves hired to obtain a work of art. All players work together to identify which piece of art they’re after and plan how to steal it while balancing the team’s humorous assortment of skills & hangups.

In about an hour and a half, the team will case the joint, plan their caper & try to convince each other that this will work. And if the group can tolerate each other long enough to complete their scheme, it just might!

Contrapposto is part improv comedy and part exercise in teamwork, with a healthy respect for art & museums thrown in. Don’t worry: no actual laws will be broken while playing! It is a fun way to visit an art museum with a group of new friends.

WHAT:A freeform larp for 2-5 players. Written by Andrew Larimer and organized by Jon Cole

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Larp House Presents: Soulful Sinners

You’re invited to the must-attend event of 1922. Mega-Metro-Mammoth
Studios announces the Premier of
“Soulful Sinners”! Directed by European Genius Vladimir Vorst, and
featuring the leading stars of the MMM Studio – Lawrence Seland and
Mable Thrush. Rumors

swirl through Hollywood regarding the film … long delays, the
difficult director, elaborate sets … and hushed whispers of even
darker scandals barely covered up. You are one of the lucky few to
receive an exclusive invitation to the pre-release screening. Hang on.
It’s going to be a bumpy ride!

WHAT:An evening larp for up to 20 players
Written by Janyce Hill
Organized by Kelley Vanda

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Larp House Presents: Soulful Sinners

You’re invited to the must-attend event of 1922. Mega-Metro-Mammoth
Studios announces the Premier of
“Soulful Sinners”! Directed by European Genius Vladimir Vorst, and
featuring the leading stars of the MMM Studio – Lawrence Seland and
Mable Thrush. Rumors

swirl through Hollywood regarding the film … long delays, the
difficult director, elaborate sets … and hushed whispers of even
darker scandals barely covered up. You are one of the lucky few to
receive an exclusive invitation to the pre-release screening. Hang on.
It’s going to be a bumpy ride!

A Freeform larp for up to 20 players
Written by Janyce Hill
Organized by Kelley Vanda

7:30 pm — 12:30 am on Saturday, August 27th

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Larp House Presents: Villa Air-Bel

Marseille, late fall, 1940.

France has been occupied by the Germans and the collaborationist Vichy regime has been allowed to exist in the south. American liberals are stunned at the fall of France and horrified by German (and now French) anti-intellectualism and anti-Semitic brutality. These liberals form the Emergency Rescue Committee hope to spirit away as many European artists and intellectuals as they can manage.

​Villa Air-Bel is about documentation, virtue, and desperation. It is a small, intense live action game about staplers and hard choices.

WHAT:A larp playtest for 5 players
Written by Jason Morningstar
Organized by Jon Cole
7:00 pm — 11pm on Friday, February 19th

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Larp House Presents: Top Secret Admirer

Top Secret Admirer is a [redacted] freeform larp about looking for love and intrigue in the intelligence community. The game is set at an exclusive singles event in Reston, Virginia.  Everyone attending has at least a Top Secret-level security clearance. Here, you might discover a little Nicholas Sparks or E.L. James in your usual Tom Clancy lives.

WHAT:A freeform larp for 3-8 players
Written by Daniel Eison and Sam Zeitlin
Organized by Arnold Cassell, Jon Cole, and Rebecca Gold

Presented by Larp House in partnership with the Macalester Gaming Society
7:00 pm — 9pm on Friday, February 12th
Light-hearted, dating, spy stuff

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Larp House Presents: Imposter Syndrome Workshop

Impostor Syndrome is the feeling that you’re a fraud, that you’re not skilled enough for a career, and that you will be found out and exposed as an impostor. More people than you realize–including experts you know and respect–have impostor syndrome.

In the Impostor Syndrome Workshop you will learn how impostor syndrome may be affecting your ambitions in the world of larp and the professional world. You will also learn what you can do individually and collectively to combat impostor syndrome in our gaming community.

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