Announcing our fall 2018 season

bonfire by a lake at dusk

We are excited to announce our tentative Fall 2018 event schedule! We are still working out the details for each of these, and the lineup is subject to change. Watch our blog for future announcements about each of these events, or sign up for our email list.

The theme this fall is “Festival: Coming together in fading light.” We are testing the use of a gently connecting motif this season, and also blocking out our schedule a little further in advance. Let us know how you like this approach.


👻 Old Friends (Ole Peder Giæver & Jason Morningstar) Twenty years after the incident, a group of old friends reunites to speak with the dead. A horror larp for six.

🎃 Halloween Survival Guide (Jay Treat) Small monsters run wild in the streets, and a band of survivors takes shelter to fend them off. An actual holiday party slash alternate reality game for, um, lots.


🍐 Paratopia (Tayler Stokes et al.) Want to meet up and talk about game design with a bunch of people who are really serious about larp, but can’t fly to New Jersey? Do roundtables and playtests here in Minnesota! A nano-con for anyone who can’t make it to Metatopia.

🍍 Screwing the Crew (Trine Lise Lindahl & Elin Nilsen) People in a tight-knit social scene with varying degrees of open relationships have all gotten together for a party. There will surely be no drama. A Nordic scenario for seven to fifteen. (We are not going to try running it on a weeknight this time, honest.)


🤵 Will That Be All? (Graham Walmsley) In the time between the wars, an English manor’s house servants have found time to set aside duty and explore their relationships and feelings. A freeform larp for six to ten.

🍖 Uwe Boll’s Christmas Special (Evan Torner & Kat Jones) The world’s worst MOST MISUNDERSTOOD movie director is making a visionary Christmas movie and he needs your help. Certain to contain all manner of off-color, tasteless content that does not belong in a Christmas special, but you can’t let the critics deter you. A comedy larp for eight to twelve.

Call for fall events

The Creative Director is now accepting submissions for fourth-quarter programming.

The connecting theme for this season (October to December) will be:

Festival: Coming together in fading light

Use of the theme is encouraged (although not mandatory). You may interpret the theme literally or figuratively. This is a good opportunity to run larps that tie-in with any of the many holidays that occur during this time period.

Please note it may be difficult to get people together the week of Thanksgiving or Christmas.

We are especially interested in getting submissions from women, LGBTQIA folx, and people of color.

As always, no prior larp organizing is necessary. We will connect you with a member of the Education Committee for help with running a great larp.

If you have an idea for an event you’d like to run, please fill out our handy event submission form by September 16. The Creative Director will review the pitches, and will announce our fall schedule by the end of September.

Submit your pitch!

Photo credit: l.p.lade