Larp House Presents: Villa Air-Bel

Marseille, late fall, 1940.

France has been occupied by the Germans and the collaborationist Vichy regime has been allowed to exist in the south. American liberals are stunned at the fall of France and horrified by German (and now French) anti-intellectualism and anti-Semitic brutality. These liberals form the Emergency Rescue Committee hope to spirit away as many European artists and intellectuals as they can manage.

​Villa Air-Bel is about documentation, virtue, and desperation. It is a small, intense live action game about staplers and hard choices.

WHAT:A larp playtest for 5 players
Written by Jason Morningstar
Organized by Jon Cole
7:00 pm — 11pm on Friday, February 19th

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Larp House Presents: LarpJam

LarpJam, a workshop where participants will create their very own larps in a round-robin format. In a matter of hours people with no larp design experience can create awesome, fully-playable larps or the seeds that future larps can spring from! This process folds creative invocation, constructive constraints, and peer feedback into one lightning-fast process.

This event is being put together outrageously last minute because the Larp House was specially invited to participate in

Golden Cobra, a new freeform design competition that concludes October 30th. Seriously, Whitney Beltrán and Jason Morningstar wrote us personally to ask Larp House people to submit. Even if you can’t attend this Larpjam, you are encouraged to design something for Golden Cobra!

Continue reading “Larp House Presents: LarpJam”

Documentation for JUGGERNAUT