Salon du Larp House: Glamourous Night playtest

enchanted forest

Wizards, humans, magical creatures, and faeries attend a mundane community’s summer solstice festival. Magic is in the air, voices are stilled, and dreams can come true at a cost. Tonight shifting auras will grant attendees terrifying mystical power to pursue their desires. How far will you go to get what you want? When you are all-powerful, what is actually important to you?


Glamourous Night is a larp about faerie magic and wizards’ hubris for 15-25 players. It is an abstract and musical experience exploring the themes of temptation and choice. This event is a playtest for an unfinished larp designed by Jon Cole.

In Glamourous Night, players use two movement techniques to perform ensorcelling magic as their characters. Characters will experience joyful exploration and tempting darkness as they share, subjugate, and are subjugated.


Sunday September 1st, 2019, from 1:30 to 6 pm


This is an alpha playtest of a larp. Glamourous Night isn’t finished, and this will be one of the first times it is played. There might be big holes missing or rough patches in play. If this larp sounds interesting to you even though it may not be a coherent start to finish narrative experience, we will be very glad to have you join us!
Continue reading “Salon du Larp House: Glamourous Night playtest”


It’s time for summer elections! We need volunteers to nominate themselves for all offices. Larp House members, check your inbox for details!

Documentation for The Homeowners Association

Four people with exaggerated body language

It was surprisingly sweet and emotional, despite being callously funny at the beginning. —Jon Cole

Documentation for The Homeowners Association

Designed by Marie Skouenborg
Organized by TLS

22 May 2019
4 players + facilitator

Larp House Presents: The Hirelings

"Five Soliders and a Turk on Horseback" by Albrecht Dürer

In a world of perilous adventure and dark dungeons filled with precious riches, one group of aspiring adventurers are having their first day in a new job, and it’s not quite working out as planned.

The Hirelings is a role-playing game in which you play out the preparations and the aftermath of a failed dungeon crawl.

It draws heavily upon clichés from fantasy role playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons, video games, comics, and fantasy literature. In addition there are also elements from modern life, like job interviews, group therapy, sports, and team building. The characters in the game are all novice adventurers, who are preparing to head out on their first real quest.


The Hirelings, a live-action fantasy comedy role-playing game for three to ten players (The more the merrier!)

Designed by Håken Lid and Ole Peder Giæver.
Organized by Shawn Stokes


Sunday, 9 June 2019 from 3 pm to 6 pm


A North Minneapolis nonprofit located near Broadway and Emerson. Players will be given details after they are registered.

Parking on site. Metro Transit lines 5, 14, 30, and 32 stop nearby.


If you are interested in playing, fill out our The Hirelings Sign-Up Form by Sunday, 2 June 11:59 pm. This larp will run as long as we have a minimum player count by this deadline, so please register by or before June 2nd if possible!

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Larp House Presents: The Homeowners Association

row houses, the street lined with plastic waste bins

UPDATE: This event has been re-scheduled to May 22. Registration is live!

“I think it is about time something was done about the filthy road signs in the neighborhood. I think it’s a bloody disgrace.”

“One might say that one should leave such things to the proper authorities since they have the responsibility.”

“You could pay some of the adorable children from the neighborhood to sweep the area with a nice bucket of soapy water and a sponge; then you would have it fixed in a jiffy.”

“We will get to all that later, surely, but first we have some more important things to discuss.”

The Homeowners Association is at once a humorous caricature of those embroiled in a petty bid for power and a personal drama in which those same people struggle with the demands of their personal lives.

Each board member is defined by their particular manner of phrasing and use of body language, which makes them look rather ridiculous to one another, especially in the board meetings where tempers run high. What begins as a mutual attempt by the board members to desperately try to impose their will on the board meetings and by extension their neighborhood becomes something different as they get to know each other outside of board meetings. What will happen to all of their plans, ideals, and conflicts when they suddenly know their opponents on a personal level?


The Homeowners Association is a comedic live-action scenario about low-stakes high-drama arguments for four players.

Designed by Marie Skouenborg
Organized by TLS

Winner: Otto Award for Best Characters, Fastaval 2017
Winner: Otto Award for Best Scenario, Fastaval 2017


Updated: 22 May 2019 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm


Updated: Minneapolis Central Library at 300 Nicollet Mall


Paid parking is available; we encourage a car pool or transit!


There is no cost for admission to this event.

If you are interested in playing, fill out our The Homeowners Association sign-up form before Tuesday, 14 May 11:59 pm. This larp will run as long as we have a minimum player count by May 14, so please register by or before then if possible!

Continue reading “Larp House Presents: The Homeowners Association”

Larp House Presents: Athena’s Chosen


The novices are locked in the holiest of holy in Athena’s temple. This final night you will be tested and tempted by the gods themselves. Will you have the faith to turn your back forever on family, love, and desire to become an Exalted Virgin Priestess and finally have true power in the world of men? Or will you listen to the sweet temptations of wild Dionysus, the god of ritual madness and fertility, and leave with his free but shunned cultists. Maybe you will reject the gods and return to your beloved but intensely patriarchal Ancient Arcadian Greece outside the temple walls. Your virginity, your soul, the patronymic name that your father branded into your very skin – you might lose them all tonight.

This larp uses physical space to direct players rather than time-bound act structures – as you walk into the different gods’ areas, their essence will influence your character.

All characters identify as female, players of all genders (or none) are equally welcome.

WHAT: ATHENA’S CHOSEN, a parlor larp for 8 – 16 players (the more the merrier!).

Designed by Susanne Vejdemo and Anna-Karin Linder.

Organized by TLS, Katherine Shane.

WHEN: Saturday, May 12th from 2pm to 6pm

Continue reading “Larp House Presents: Athena’s Chosen”

Larp House Presents: Deranged


Larp House Presents: DERANGED

Deranged is a historical, musical drama about the boundaries between genius and madness. The aging, deranged Robert Schumann who on his deathbed, ill with Syphilis and Mercury poisoning, revisits the memories of the people that had an important impact on his life. Schumann has decided that he will create one last, great masterpiece before his death. A piece built on the memories of his life with Clara Wieck, Robert Schumann, Felix Mendelssohn, and Johannes Brahms, who drifted in and out of his life and gave it nerve and excitement. But the memories are collapsing and merging with the madness, so it is difficult for Schumann to distinguish between reality and fantasy. And like one’s memories can be revisited so can the scenes of this scenario. Because perhaps the memories would be better if things had happened in a slightly different way?

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Larp House Presents: QUILTBAG

Larp House Presents: QUILTBAG LARP

The University would like to invite all queer, questioning, intersex, lesbian, transgender, bisexual, asexual and gay students, faculty and community members to join the University Queer Life support group. This will be a safe, affirming and confidential peer led monthly support group for all local members of the queer community.

A parlor larp about the lives and identities of 8 regular people through the lens of their monthly support group.

WHAT: QUILTBAG, a playtest of a parlor larp for 6-8 players

Designed by Frank Beres, Quinn D, E. Chris Garrison, and Susan Weiner

Organized by Kathy Shane and Jon Cole

WHEN: Sunday, February 18th from 2pm to 6pm


If you are interested in playing, fill out our QUILTBAG sign up form before 11:59 pm on Friday, February 9th. If more people sign up than we have room for attendance will be decided by weighted lottery. You should know if you are in or out of the larp by Sunday, February 11th. If less folks than max sign up, registration will be open after the deadline for stragglers.

WHERE: A North Minneapolis Nonprofit located near Broadway and Emerson Avenue in Minneapolis. Accessible by bus.

We are requesting a voluntary good will donation $5-10 to support the work of the nonprofit in appreciation for the use of their space. No one will be turned away if they are unable to make a donation.


This is an Intercon-style parlor larp. Play will alternate between playing support group meetings and workshopping what happens to characters in between meetings based on event prompts. Players are cast as prewritten characters before the larp. Each character is sheet 3-4 pages long.

THEMES: QUILTBAG is a game about the development of identity through community.


The play venue is ADA accessible. Plenty of seating. Water available. Climate controlled building.

COSTUMING: No costuming is required, but you can costume if you get excited about that sort of thing.


A playtest is a larp session intended to find design flaws in an in-development game. Often, designers will ask players for their thoughts on the experience after a playtest.

CONTENT WARNING: This game deals with issues of gender and sexual identity, experience of bias (outside the group), family rejection, offstage violence, discussion of violence, relationships and community, and gender transition. Sexual violence is not included in this game.

ART: Airman 1st Class Celeste Smith, 354th Comptroller Squadron customer service technician. U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Ashley Nicole Taylor/Released

Larp House Presents: Potluck Larp

Larp House Presents: Potluck Larp

Everyone loves a potluck!

This winter, we are hosting a larp that is more than the sum of it’s parts. Using the framework Play With Intent we will build a larp and then play it in one evening. Let’s design the game in order to play it, including while we are playing it! And yes, we’ll also share food in a potluck fashion.


Play With Intent, a freeform larp for 4-6 players + casual social potluck

Designed by Matthijs Holter and Emily Care Boss

Organized by Kathy Shane and Jon Cole

WHEN:Friday, January 19th from 6:00 pm to 10:30 pm

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