Documentation for Sing Your Heart Out
A live-action game of singing and drama
Designed by Benjamin Rosenbaum and Jamey Harvey
Organized by Jon Cole and Peregrin Winkle
Four players + a facilitator
Minneapolis, Minnesota
February 2019
Larp House Presents: SIGN
A silent game for 3-6+ players in 2 hours.
Nicaragua in the 1970s had no form of sign language. If you were deaf, you had simple gestures with a trusted few, likely nothing more than a form of pantomime you negotiated with your family to meet basic needs. In 1977, something happened. Fifty deaf children from across the country were brought together to an experimental school in Managua. Without a shared language to express themselves, the children did the only thing they could – they created one. In Sign, we follow a small piece of their journey.